We bring the power of clean to your home with our domestic pressure washing service. Our advanced techniques and equipment ensure that your outdoor spaces are revitalised and spotless
Pressure washing involves using high-pressure water jets to remove dirt, grime, mold, and stains from various surfaces around your home, including driveways, patios, decks, and siding. This service is essential for maintaining the appearance and longevity of your outdoor areas.
Choosing us means opting for expertise and reliability. Our experienced team is dedicated to delivering outstanding results, using safe and effective pressure washing techniques. We prioritise customer satisfaction and tailor our services to meet your specific needs, ensuring that your outdoor spaces are cleaned to perfection.
Regular pressure washing is essential to keep your outdoor surfaces looking their best. Without it, dirt and grime can accumulate, making the surfaces appear worn and neglected.
Plant growth like moss, algae, and lichen can also damage materials if left unchecked. These plants trap moisture, which can seep into the surface, leading to dampness. This dampness may eventually cause the material to deteriorate and become vulnerable to the freeze-thaw cycle. As water freezes and expands, then melts and contracts, it creates movement in the material, which can result in cracks.
The ideal cleaning frequency depends on factors such as your location, the material of the surface, and how often it's used.
Typically, once a year is sufficient for most surfaces, usually during spring/summer. In some cases, pressure washing in both the spring and autumn can help preserve the surface longer, while other situations may require less frequent cleaning.
If you're unsure, our team can assess your property on-site and recommend a tailored cleaning schedule for your needs.
Pressure washing restores the original look of your surfaces, improving the overall appearance of your home.
Regular cleaning prevents the buildup of harmful substances that can damage surfaces over time.
A well-maintained exterior can boost your home's value and appeal.
Let us handle the hard work while you enjoy your clean and refreshed outdoor spaces.
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Commercial Cleaning Solutions (North East) Ltd
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